Friday, November 14, 2008

One Week Old

Today the triplets celebrated their first week in this world. It has been a very eventful week. All of them have made great strides. They are almost back to their biirth weight, and they are all beginning to get the hang of bottle feeding. Cohen is scheduled to have his IV removed this evening. Below are some of the pictures from Day 7.

Left to right are Andraya, Sawyer, and Cohen

Last night the triplets were put into one crib for the first time. It is so nice to have them all together in the same place. Sawyer and Andraya have been in the same bed for a few nights. It is nice that Cohen is now able to join them. He always seems to be a little left out.

Here is Andraya with her arm around Sawyer.

Andraya and Sawyer enjoying some time with mom.

From left to right are Cohen, Sawyer and Andraya.

Andraya and Sawyer together again. I actually got these two mixed up today. I know that they are different, but they do have some similar facial features, and they are exactly the same size. I wonder how many times I will mix them up.


tomturf said...

These triplets are georgeous, when I see their pictures I know why I love babies and the 7 that we luckily have also. Uncle Tom

Joanne said...

hey - what cute little babies. Joanne and I are enjoying seeing the updates of the Johnson Triplets! They look so much like your other kids. Congratulations Nikki and Steve!


The RC Miller Clan said...

They look so beautiful nic! I'm so happy you have a blog now and I will be able to see updates on your family all the time! Just click on my name and you can see ours too...(in your "spare time") haha...

luv rachel

Sh'Nell said...

Congrats! Beautiful kids. Good luck with the adjustment of having that many babies at once!