Friday, August 14, 2009

Spring Break

This was our spring break (April 13-18th). We had so much fun. We stayed in Kimberley, BC at our condo (which by the way is available to rent, it sleeps like 19 people). Anyways....I had gone there with all the kids as Stephen was busy with work. I took along 2 dear friends and their kids. This was the only way that I could manage my crew. So we spent the week hottubbing, swimming, jumping off bridges, running, playing games, watching movies and of course eating.
These pictures we took of the kids having a hoot at the swimming pool of the hotel at the base of the skihill. It was an unbelievably warm spring day, yet there was still plenty of snow on the hill.
It was a good thing that I had some help recruited because I spent a day at the Cranbrook hospital with Raygan and Sawyer with ear infections. Thank goodness for antibiotics.

This is the full Johnson crew. We spent Easter at my parents in Hillspring and this is the fam lying around after the easter feast. Left to right is Xander, Cohen, Riley, Andraya, Raygan, Sawyer and Avery.

I absolutely love these outfits on the babies. Cohen is on the left and Sawyer is on the right. The easiest way to tell the boys apart is by their eyes, Cohens are blue and Sawyer has hazel.

Monday, August 3, 2009

The month of March.
My goodness...time flies, even more so when there are a few babies. We are going to attempt to get this blog caught up. Because we have 5 months to update all you lovely readers it will happen with more than one post. We still only get short burst of time to accomplish anything, so we will see if our plan happens. One thing that we have learned in the Johnson family is that ANYTHING is!

This is Auntie Gayla with the babies. She and her daughter Cassie came from Chicago to visit for a week in March. It was wonderful to see them and receive their help. I am sure that we got a picture of Cassie to but I can't seem to find it. She is really sweet and a joy to have around.

I must mention Heather. The much beloved part-time nanny, friend and playmate to us at the Johnson household. She attends university in the states and the last few months have been her summer off. It has worked great for us as the babies have required so much attention and it coincides with Stephen busy time at work. We were really sad to see here leave at the beginning of April. Here she is with the crew. She has gratefully returned for the month of August which may be part of the reason there will even be a post on the blog.

This is a picture of Stephen with his Grandma Muirhead. She came for a visit at the beginning of March. Now that we are posting so much later than March I wonder what we did in March. I look at my scanty notes on my calendar, it really doesn't say much. It was all just so much of a blur with babies, bottles and diapers. Not to mention all the laundry. I tallied it for a while just to see how much laundry we actually do, it averages about 26 loads per week.

The babies started rolling this month also. They have started with more distinct sleep patterns this past month, usually giving it up around 11:00 p.m. and sleeping till 6 or 7. Yeah, some rest. Sawyer perforated his eardrum which wasn't any fun. It only takes one baby to keep you awake as we have experienced, but hopefully the sleeping through the night will stick around.
Well that covers most of March, except for our trip to Lethbridge for the Kiwanis Music Festival. Avery participated in the Musical Theatre compitetion and placed first. She did such a good job and it was so much fun to watch her. She was definately in her element. We did have pictures but they accidently got erased so we need to swipe them from Grandma before we can post any.
Well, we have a birthday party planned for Avery for this afternoon and I should go and start getting ready for that...I guess we are starting on yet another new adventure now that we have a teenager in the house!